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7 Things to Leave in 2019

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

You know what they say: out with the old, in with the new!

My dear roses, first and foremost I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. 2019 was a bitch and I'm sure we're all glad that year is done and over with. Within that one year I experienced more and learned more than I ever would have imagined. I had multiple job opportunities, traveled, fell in love and got my heart broken within a span of like four months, lost friends and made even better ones, started practicing yoga and meditation, started this blog, etc., etc. Now it's 2020, a new decade, and we all have extremely high expectations for this new year based on what I've seen on social media. While it's important to set new goals and be intentional with what we want to accomplish, it's equally as important to recognize what we DON'T want to bring into this new year. So, here's a list of seven things to leave in 2019.


1. Self-Doubt

We leaving all self-doubt in 2019, there is no room for that in 2020. It's hard to be confident in your abilities when the odds aren't in your favor or the universe seems to be against you, but be patient. Realize that everything you wish to accomplish will be brought to fruition at the right time. When you're ready. Remove the word "can't" from your vocabulary.

2. Unhealthy Relationships

Listen y'all. The off and on shit is not cute. Arguing all the time so the make-up sex hits better gets real old too. Having somebody as your primary source of happiness isn't very healthy either. All those red flags that stick out to you and tell you that the relationship you're in is unhealthy needs to be your cue to get out. We're getting who and what we deserve this year, even if it means being alone for a while. I don't know about y'all, but I'd rather be by my lonesome than with someone who I know isn't good for my mind, body, and soul.

3. Bad Habits

Nail biting. Teeth grinding. Face picking. And God forbid, cigarette smoking. Anything you know isn't good for your health but you've gotten in this habit of doing it everyday since you were a kid. Let's work on putting a stop to these unhealthy habits.

4. Homophobia / Transphobia

It's crazy I even have to address this, but it's necessary. Leave y'alls homophobic and transphobic mindsets in the last year, decade, century, lifetime, whatever. If something isn't affecting your income or your sex life then you honestly have no reason to be mad. Let people be themselves and mind your business all 2020, especially when it doesn't have anything to do with you.

5. Inauthenticity

If you're not coming at me with authentic intentions, I don't want you. Be straight up. We're too grown to lie for no reason or make up excuses when we feel backed into a corner. Own up to your mistakes and hold others accountable for their inauthentic ways as well.

6. Self-Sabotage

Speaking from personal experience, self-sabotage is probably the easiest way to mess up a good thing, even when you do it out of fear. You miss out on so many amazing experiences when you try to ruin something out of fear. Let things flow more in 2020.

7. Frivolous Spending

I'm not going to lie, I'll ball out on myself every so often, especially if I'm going through something. But I think we all can agree frivolous spending does nothing but make us more depressed that we're broke. If you don't have a savings account, I'm gonna need you to get on that right away. Set financial goals for yourself, save up for something big like a trip or laptop, but cut all the unnecessary spending OUT. You got food at home, eat in the cafe, you have enough clothes, and you absolutely do not need to spend $20 at the movies. Spend less, save more! So you can end up like this:


As the New Year goes on, think about the do's and don't's you've set for yourself. Stay positive and consistent, even when it gets boring and tedious. All the time put into yourself will be extremely rewarding at the end of the day. I wish you luck on all your future endeavors in 2020. Much love.

- Z

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